760 S Route 59 Naperville IL 60540
Naperville,IL 60540-8404

(630) 357-4155

About This Retailer

In 1991, as the housing market began to grow, Galleria Lighting opened their doors. Our first location, Naperville, of 1,200 square feet, offered a sample of each style to meet the needs of new home owners. Now Galleria Lighting is located in a 12,000 square foot location, featuring all of your lighting and home decor needs. We gladly serve all of the Naperville and surrounding Chicago land area. We are many stores under one roof. We also offer seasonal decorations and accessories for most oc... Read More

Today: 09:00 - 17:00
Product Filters
Number of lights
  1. Large LED Linear
    Large LED Linear
    • FR46406BLK
    • W 45" H 13"
    • Dots

      Some fixtures in this family are supplied with fully integrated LEDs and drivers or specifically matched LED lights.

      Select option from the product page options.

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Hinkley lighting and fans: Our mission is to provide consumers with exceptional lighting and ceiling fan products that are superior in design and quality

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