4380 Regency Dr High Point NC 27265
High Point,NC 27265-9400

(336) 889-2344

About This Retailer

The Butler family has been providing home lighting to North and South Carolina since 1948, and now we are proud to offer our great selection of products nationwide online along with the personal customer service that big box stores cannot offer. We have the largest lighting showroom in Myrtle Beach, so stop by if you are local! Otherwise, please browse our large online selection and call or email us with any questions you might have. We will be glad to help you find the perfect light, fan, or... Read More

Today: 08:00 - 17:00

Showroom Features

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  • Hinkley Gallery

    Curated Hinkley displays designed to make your shopping experience easy, inspiring and enjoyable.

  • Professional Lighting Consultation

    Our lighting consultants are extensively trained on the latest in lighting trends in style, performance and technology. A specialist can meet with you in your home or business, or work with you in the showroom. Share your Pinterest boards and inspiration or work directly from a blueprint to create a layout, a detailed specification sheet, and everything that your contractor or electrician will need to complete the project.

  • On Hand Inventory
Product Filters
Light Source
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Hinkley lighting and fans: Our mission is to provide consumers with exceptional lighting and ceiling fan products that are superior in design and quality

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