790 Spruce Avenue Victoria BC V8T 5A5
Victoria,BC V8T 5A5

(250) 475-0105

About This Retailer

Since 1979, Pine Lighting has brought you exceptional products with outstanding service and superior value. At Pine Lighting, you will find everything you need to light your home and projects

We offer stylish chandeliers, designer ceiling fans, unique outdoor lighting, modern track and pendants and a huge variety of table and floor lamps.Recently new, is our full selection of LED Fixtures and bulbs.

Whether you are in search of updating one room in your home or wanting a quote... Read More

Today: 09:00 - 17:00

Showroom Features

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  • Professional Lighting Consultation

    Our lighting consultants are extensively trained on the latest in lighting trends in style, performance and technology. A specialist can meet with you in your home or business, or work with you in the showroom. Share your Pinterest boards and inspiration or work directly from a blueprint to create a layout, a detailed specification sheet, and everything that your contractor or electrician will need to complete the project.

  • On Hand Inventory
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Hinkley lighting and fans: Our mission is to provide consumers with exceptional lighting and ceiling fan products that are superior in design and quality

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