5030 S Mill Ave Tempe AZ 85282
Tempe,AZ 85282

(520) 294-1414

About This Retailer

There’s nothing complicated about it: we want to be your local lighting solution. We offer a wide selection of lighting products for inside or outdoors, along with access to limitless styles and price options. View fixtures first hand, get comfortable with the scale and finish and let us help you make the right selection for your lighting application. Whether you want to stop in and browse at your convenience or make an appointment, our design and product experts are always available to... Read More

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Showroom Features

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  • Professional Lighting Consultation

    Our lighting consultants are extensively trained on the latest in lighting trends in style, performance and technology. A specialist can meet with you in your home or business, or work with you in the showroom. Share your Pinterest boards and inspiration or work directly from a blueprint to create a layout, a detailed specification sheet, and everything that your contractor or electrician will need to complete the project.

  • Landscape Lighting Design & Installation

    Our specialists are experienced in the complexity of landscape lighting. We offer layout and design services by professionally trained and experienced staff, including on-site landscaping lighting consultation. We can arrange installation or work directly with your builder or landscaper to complete your landscaping project.

  • New Home Construction

    Our trained professionals are here to help you from the start of your project to the end so that the right lighting can be installed the first time. We can create a detailed layout for your builder or contractor to make sure that we provide the right products for the right applications.

  • Builder/ Contractor Services

    Our lighting professionals are available for on-site walk-throughs at your property and can create a full lighting layout or detailed lighting package. They can work with the builder and/or exclusively with the client throughout the process.

  • Lamp & Lighting repair

    Trained craftsman who can repair your fixtures

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Hinkley lighting and fans: Our mission is to provide consumers with exceptional lighting and ceiling fan products that are superior in design and quality

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